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Chicken Rusler u asked for an update on another thread so I thought I would bring it over here to u guys so those who helped us would see it.
She is doing very well but but not with the birds we got at the show in chehalis and not in 4h as the washington county 4h has been difficult to deal with and very UN-helpful. always telling me the groups are full and not accepting new members. I talked with a 4h leader at the state fair who is in yamhill county and she told me that I could request being transfered out there which I didn't know. I will be doing that very soon but with school starting she needed to focus on that for a little bit. She had a few difficulties last year in school twards the end of the year and I wanted to make sure she was going to be doing good in school this year before we added something else to her plate.

The white hen we got is always broody and we can never keep her feathered in enough to be in show condition but she has been a great mom and has raised some babies now that my DD can show. I was finally able to buy her some really nice buff which is what she really wanted to begin with. She showed open youth at the oregon state fair and got 2 BVs and 1 BB as well as 3 2nd places for a couple other colors we have now as well.

My DD has even chose to give a few her babies to a couple kid this summer in 4h to help get them started in 4h and in silkies.

Thank you to all of those that helped us get started with showing silkies : )
Well I am pooped today so DH and I are going to bed 30 min. early. Plus my kids don't have school tomarrow so I need to be rested!
We are going to the gun show in Monroe on Saterday though, that will be fun. I wish CR sold his stuff there, I would definately by one of those pigs and a rooster, they are just to cool!

Every one have a good night, I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow after I catch up on reading how ever many 100 posts are waiting for me in the morning.
Well I got my pigs all in a row + one "freon bird"... Time to start loading. While waiting for the fresh cinnamon rolls to be delivered. Yes I may have goodies in my booth

And I have a Roo for Mikey too both on the post and one to hang on the wall!!!

Wow, those are all beautiful.

I have a question for all the people who raise silkies, how old are silkies on avg before they start laying. I have 3 that are about 6 months with no eggs .I may be getting inpatient I just do not know, any advice would be greatly helpful.
OMG. I'm SO glad my kids don't have school tomorrow. They are in the worst moods I have seen in a long time. I'm about ready to pull my hair out. Those kids are sleeping in! So is their mom.

My Bear Den was out of control this evening, too. I had to line them all up on a bench and have a discussion about showing respect to their Akela (leader), keeping their hands to themselves, stop running around, keep their hands to themselves, stay with their buddy, oh, and did I mention - keep their hands to themselves? I have never had to do that before.
Why do 8-year-old boys have to pull on each other so much? Honestly, I think this evening was the worst behaved evenings I've ever seen out of my Bears. I even had to pull out the big threat... taking them out of the situation and talking to their parent. I wonder if they were just so hyper because they knew that they had tomorrow off school.
About the Neiman Marcus coop. They always have outrageous items in their catalog. Nothing more than a publicity stunt. I'm sure they would sell that coop for $100,000, but I don't think they expect to. This is already the 5th posting on BYC (that I've seen) about that coop. Pretty good publicity if you ask me.

Here's another rather odd publicity stunt, for shoes. really really odd. Watch the video.


That was gross!! Nothing pretty about that IMO. Eewww.
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