WATCH THIS! My Guardian Dogs at Work!

Here are three video clips from our trail cam. It's located 40 ft from our chicken coop. I've also got pictures of fox, raccoon, and opossum.

Sneaking Coyote
Back Again
Dogs Are On It
Was the time on that cam correct? I didn't know they were out at that time of day. Great video, a bit spooky watching him/her in stealth mode.
Was the time on that cam correct?
Yes, that is the correct time and date stamp. I get them all times day and night.
What is Coyote after?
My chickens sometimes show up on this camera. I asume they are what he is stalking. My older hens and seasoned rooster stay close to the yard and coop, but last years pullets range farther out and i have lost a couple. I think i see the culprit.
This camera is a Moultrie I have cameras that I spent alot less on that I enjoy as much.
I dont really point it at the coop, but at a well beaten trail I found near the coop. Set your camera where it is not pointed in to the sun. And where you think or see evidence of trails or fresh prints.
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