Watched my duck lay an egg.


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
Usually, they girls lay in their house and it's all over with by the time they are let out in the morning. I'm fine with that

Yesterday, no egg; fair enough, not a problem.

So, its early afternoon and I notice Queenie acting strangely and the other ladies going up to her and they are all having a natter. I then see her sit down and adopt a legs back, tail up pose. Hmm, could she be going to lay an egg?

A seagull landed nearby and she stood up, made an aggressive pose and chased it off. That confirmed it for me, she was going to lay an egg under the rose bush

I watched, waited and very unceremoniously, she laid an egg! Totally different experience from watching a chicken lay an egg (and soooo much quieter!

I'm glad I experienced that
What a neat experience. It seems that with ducks, there is always something more to see and discover. I never imagined they would add so much to my days. I only thought of getting eggs, not another pet. But they are fascinating creatures.
Thank you, JoyAnna

Yes, they truly are fascinating, entertaining and endearing creatures. They bring a great deal of joy to my world.
Mine usually has one laid by 7am in the morning. Yesterday the usual 7am one was there, then I had her out yesterday afternoon foraging around and plop goes an egg, she continues on her way, 30 mins later, plop another, and no break in her foraging activities! It was so quick and she acted like nothing happened..haha.

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