water additive: molasses or ACV


11 Years
Oct 9, 2012
New Riegel Ohio (NW Ohio)
I have read a couple different things about adding something to the water when getting new chicks: I am getting 25 red rangers and 6 layers on Friday and am trying to decide what to add to their water molasses or acv. I know the benefits of adding ACV, is the molasses added just to encourage drinking because of the sweetness? Could you add both?
The molasses may not be necessary. Usually you can did their beaks into the water and that's all it takes. When I got mine they were 4 days old and had already figured out the water and food. Some people recomend to put ACV in the water, probiotics ,electrolytes or just give them a little plain yogurt to get their digestive system going correctly. I never did any of it and had no problems.
Many people recommend adding molasses to the water especially for new chicks delivered by mail. Molasses contains trace minerals and vitamins and the sugar gives the birds, likely stressed in transit, a boost. Same reason some people use quick chick, etc.

I don't know if you can do both at the same time. I've done 2-3 days of molasses at approx 1/2 tsp per quart of water and then switched over to ACV (with mother).
I have read a couple different things about adding something to the water when getting new chicks: I am getting 25 red rangers and 6 layers on Friday and am trying to decide what to add to their water molasses or acv. I know the benefits of adding ACV, is the molasses added just to encourage drinking because of the sweetness? Could you add both?
http://www.bovidr.com/poultry.html Put this in the water at 2cc per gallon for the 1st 6 weeks of life. No need for anything else. If you have a chick which is needy for some reason. injury, or whatever, give tnem one drop only by mouth and 4cc per gallon for a week or so . I get mine at Tractor Supply, they have a good price. Just the 7.-10.00 bottle is enough. It is very concentrated.
Best Regards,
Waterford English Light Sussex
in western PA, USA
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