Water Deicer, heater or both?


Feb 28, 2021
New Jersey
Cold weather and warm water. A feat to beat. So, I purchased a deicer to help keep the water from freezing but do I also need a water heater? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. TIA
No. A deicer has built in thermostat to turn off at certain temperature around 45F. If it has enough power (watts) for the size water container you use then that is all you need.

My deicer is 80w and use in a two gallon rubber livestock bowl. Keeps water thawed for any temperature I've encountered here on the Canadian border. I use it when day temperatures are below freezing.
A 60w bird bath deicer would work fine too. Those are the least expensive < $30, but have no experience how many years they last. Heated dog bowls I've used never work start of second year. K & H 80w deicer is on it's third year now and those run about $40.

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