Watery poop


Apr 27, 2024
The past couple of days I have noticed some watery looking poops. I am a new chicken owner and worried that they are sick. They are around 6-7 weeks old. The feed that they are on is purina organic starter/grower. Temperatures have been high 60s/70s. Any advice is helpful
Hello! first of all, Welcome to chicken owning! I own 13 chickens and sometimes they have watery poop too. This is a sign of excess protein in the food, that increases water intake. If food intake is reduced for some reason but the chicken is still drinking normally, the poop will be watery. It is advised and to check the water and feed intake of the flock. Good looking out for them!

Warmly :) ,

Welcome to the BYC community! :frow

Watery poops like this can hint to coccidiosis and the age of your chicks is exactly when it usually starts.

I would treat them with Amprolium/Corid, this is the link to check for the correct dosage:


Some strains of coccidia don't respond to amprolium and would need to be treated with something like Toltrazuril, SMZ-TMZ or Sulfadimethoxin.

It is important to only add vitamin supplements that do not contain vitamin B1 (thiamine) during treatment.

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