We built our hen a ramp


Fluffiest In The Flock
Dec 4, 2020
About 1.5 weeks ago one of our hens had a stroke. She is now a lot weaker in one leg. She couldn’t get up to the coop using the stairs, so we built her a ramp.

We used plywood and cut it to fit the width of their coop, we used the extra bits to make the steps. We then oiled it.

She hasn’t started using it on her own yet, but when I put her near the top she can get up the rest of the way.

What do you all think of this ramp?
Just some thoughts: Reduce the angle of your ramp by either lowering it (might need to somehow adjust the housing entrance), or lengthening the ramp. Also, as someone elsewhere had done--perhaps attach some strips of thin, textured rubber matting in between the cleats for better comfort and traction.

Yesterday husband and I reduced the angle of one of the ramps in my coop since two of my girls are age 8 and age 7. We also lowered two roosts in the run.
She has gotten extremely weak over the past few days. We’re just going to have to let her sleep downstairs for 3 weeks since we are going on holiday. We have people coming to check on them everyday. At this point I’m just enjoying spending time with her since I don’t know if she’ll still be here when I get back. If she is then I’ll make improvements to the ramp like what you have all suggested :)
She has gotten extremely weak over the past few days. We’re just going to have to let her sleep downstairs for 3 weeks since we are going on holiday. We have people coming to check on them everyday. At this point I’m just enjoying spending time with her since I don’t know if she’ll still be here when I get back. If she is then I’ll make improvements to the ramp like what you have all suggested :)
Make sure you give her lots of love, and the best days she could ever have. take her out in the sunshine, give her treats and cuddles. Because if they are ger last days, make them the best :hugs
Sorry that you have to go through this, you're doing the best you can do and that's all that matters. Have a relaxing holiday, you deserve it

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