We got a bantam by accident!


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2015
So this spring we got chicks and one is super little. Her legs and feet are tiny as well. We are pretty sure she is a beautiful bantam girl at this point. She is in with 4 full size chickens that we are planning on having with our full size rooster. Will she be ok? The pullets she is with seem fine with her but she is so little we are worried. There is no way we can get rid of her b/c my son LOVES her. Will she be fine or do we need to get her some friends that are her size?
I have 3 tiny little game bantams in with 5 barred rocks and 6 large fowl Cochin's. They get along great and the little ones are actually bossy to the biggest ones. It will all depend on pecking order as each chicken is different. The only issue I foresee is a rooster trying to mount your little Bantam...that may not go well and could result in injury.
I have a tiny Bantam pullet with 10 regular sized pullets..Alice gets along great with everyone...She out runs all the rest of the hens..Best thing to do is keep an eye on her and the Rooster...No need for more Bantams...
I am mostly just worried about the Rooster hurting her trying to mate her. If I take her away though she is by herself. I really don't want her to be alone. :(
We have a 2 bantams with 17 full sized chickens and 2 roosters...we don't seem to have any problems with them intermingling. We have yet to witness the roosters trying to mount them, but then again our roosters are kind of wimpy! The bantam eggs are the most adorable tiny little eggs in the world! Ours are almost all yolk and very little albumin.
I am mostly just worried about the Rooster hurting her trying to mate her.  If I take her away though she is by herself.  I really don't want her to be alone. :(

I wouldn't take her away at all. When you add your rooster just keep an eye on them. Here's a pic of my little game Bantam Weezy intimidating my huge cockerel Harley. He won't dare try anything with her lol. As I said it's all about each individual bird.
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I wouldn't take her away at all. When you add your rooster just keep an eye on them. Here's a pic of my little game Bantam Weezy intimidating my huge cockerel Harley. He won't dare try anything with her lol. As I said it's all about each individual bird.
Awesome pic!! I'm going to have to try and take better photos of my chickens. It's funny because we never see any of our chickens bullying each other.

What breeds are we talking about? Some large fowl roosters would be fine with some bantam hens. Others, not so much.

that's the only thing I'd worry about. I have bantams (silkie/cochin mix) in my mixed flock and they do just fine.
We have 3 silver laced Wyandottes, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Japanese Cubalayas, 2 Jersey Giants, 2 Polish Crested, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Silkies, 3 Silver Laced Sebright Bantams, a Polish Crested rooster and Russell, our first roo is a jersey giant (I believe)...
We have 3 silver laced Wyandottes, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Japanese Cubalayas, 2 Jersey Giants, 2 Polish Crested, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Silkies, 3 Silver Laced Sebright Bantams, a Polish Crested rooster and Russell, our first roo is a jersey giant (I believe)...

Wow beautiful breeds! I've always wanted sebrights...maybe next year! Are they super flighty? Harley is only 5 months old and has been here since 2 weeks old so Weezy knows she can boss him. She believes she is queen of the yard and her little hubby Sherman supports her delusion lol.

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