We got a bantam by accident!

Wow beautiful breeds! I've always wanted sebrights...maybe next year! Are they super flighty? Harley is only 5 months old and has been here since 2 weeks old so Weezy knows she can boss him. She believes she is queen of the yard and her little hubby Sherman supports her delusion lol.

We keep our chickens in a chicken run because of predators. However, we always let the Silver-Laced Wyandottes out to free range supervised in the yard. The Wyandottes were our first so they about a year older than the rest of our chickens. All of our others are about 6 months old. We did let a couple of the Sebrights out and they did try to take flight. It took my husband about an hour to catch them and get them back into the coop. From now on we will be only letting them out to free range 1 at a time until we know their tendencies. They are therapy for my husband who has military PTSD, so we really don't focus on whether they lay eggs or not, just on what types he wants.
We keep our chickens in a chicken run because of predators. However, we always let the Silver-Laced Wyandottes out to free range supervised in the yard. The Wyandottes were our first so they about a year older than the rest of our chickens. All of our others are about 6 months old. We did let a couple of the Sebrights out and they did try to take flight. It took my husband about an hour to catch them and get them back into the coop. From now on we will be only letting them out to free range 1 at a time until we know their tendencies. They are therapy for my husband who has military PTSD, so we really don't focus on whether they lay eggs or not, just on what types he wants.

I can imagine the birds are great therapy for hubby. I don't think I'm ever happier than when I'm caring for and enjoying my flock :)
I can imagine the birds are great therapy for hubby. I don't think I'm ever happier than when I'm caring for and enjoying my flock

They definitely are! He spends all day with them. I come home from work and it's like getting a rundown of what each child did today! And Russell the roo - He absolutely loves us, want's us to hold him, be near him....so cool!
We have 3 EE, 2 Delawares, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Red Productions, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 2 RIR, 2 Cuckoo Marans, a Production Rooster named Beautiful Feathers (by my 5 y/o) and a Cuckoo Maran Roo (named Bruster). The bantam was supposed to be an australorp. She is a beautiful black itty bitty bird. We got her this spring with one of the RIR and EE chicks. I have 4 small kids who love the chickens and we just let them pick which breeds they want. They are great therapy especially for my crazy animal loving 8 y/o son. He gives us exact accounts of each of them and always knows when something is amiss.
We have 3 EE, 2 Delawares, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Red Productions, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 2 RIR, 2 Cuckoo Marans, a Production Rooster named Beautiful Feathers (by my 5 y/o) and a Cuckoo Maran Roo (named Bruster). The bantam was supposed to be an australorp. She is a beautiful black itty bitty bird. We got her this spring with one of the RIR and EE chicks. I have 4 small kids who love the chickens and we just let them pick which breeds they want. They are great therapy especially for my crazy animal loving 8 y/o son. He gives us exact accounts of each of them and always knows when something is amiss.

I love that we aren't depending on our chickens to "feed" us, just to provide therapy. It enables us to choose whatever we want based on whatever we like and not based on whatever we need. Eggs are a bonus!!

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