We got our first two eggs.....Barred Rocks and White Silkies 17 weeks old


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
Woohoo!!! We got our first two eggs in the last couple of days. They are really tiny, though. I think the first ones are usually small, right? The shell is nice and hard though. It is laying next to a nickle for size comparison. Don't know who it came from a Barred Rock or a Silkie.

Anyway, I need to get a couple of yard signs so we are ready to sell them when the girls get in to full production and this oppressive heat goes away. Any suggestions on where to get a couple of cheap yard signs? I have called around to a couple of sign shops and they are wanting anywhere from $40 - $65 for a plastic corregated type sign. I will need two of them because the neighbor has given us permission to put a sign in his yard that has an arrow pointing in our direction with the mileage to fresh eggs.

Is it best to make your own?

THANKS in advance for the suggestions.
Right On! It's a cutie :) I was at the craft store today looking at wooden letters and a wood sign. You could get pretty creative for 20 dollars
Ok, so I am going to answer my own question.

I followed the link to Stromberg's from this website/forum and they have yellow signs with black writing that says "Fresh Eggs For Sale". The wording is only on one side, so I will have to put two of them back to back. They also do not come with a stake or wire frame to put them in the ground, so we will have to come up with something to put them in the ground.

The signs are $5.00 each. I'm still money ahead by buying four and putting them back to back to make them two sided.

So, now the girls just need to get busy and get laying.


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