We Quit Cigarettes

I don't think I'm going to make it today.
I have two cigarettes stashed and I'm almost ready to go take one drag.
I feel like I can start over tomorrow.
I feel like I'm torturing myself. :barnie

This is getting a little ridiculous.

I keep telling myself if I can make it one whole day then I'll have the worst behind me.
It's supposed to be a process, not a "cold turkey" thing. You don't fail while during in the process! So don't think that way, if all you have today is 1 or 2 cigs, is that not still an improvement? Or are you not supposed to smoke at all during the "quitting time"?
It's supposed to be a process, not a "cold turkey" thing. You don't fail while during in the process! So don't think that way, if all you have today is 1 or 2 cigs, is that not still an improvement?
This isn't how I was thinking but I'm starting to think one drag of one cigarette won't be that bad...compared to smoking all day.
:hit I can't make up my mind. :barnie
It's hard, but you can do it. I smoked for, umm, let's say 14 years or so?

My husband was diagnosed with a form of lung disease. We both decided to quit the day he was diagnosed.. I picked up a vape pen, and cut my nicotine back over time until it was to 0mg.

Yes, I still vape but it has no nicotine.. it's the lesser of evils. I will just continue to say that lol.

Chewing gum also helped. Real minty stuff. It's been, um. 3 yrs since I quit cigs and I'm happy about my decision. I now realize when I smoked I smelled like a rotten ashtray.. I gag now when I walk near smokers.. they stinky... I feel bad for subjecting my family to the smells.

I can also smell more now and taste more.. I feel like smoking killed some of my senses.. oh! And I can run a bit without gasping for air!!

Good luck. Just keep busy and keep going!
This isn't how I was thinking but I'm starting to think one drag of one cigarette won't be that bad...compared to smoking all day.
:hit I can't make up my mind. :barnie
I know people that have quit multiple times, they say the same thing, sometimes it is just easier than other times. Maybe being able to stay mentally & physically busy is what you need.... or chew on a toothpick or straw..... distractions.
I know people that have quit multiple times, they say the same thing, sometimes it is just easier than other times. Maybe being able to stay mentally & physically busy is what you need.... or chew on a toothpick or straw..... distractions.
I'm NOT doing this again...this whole quitting.
This is just ridiculous.

I'm going to push through.
I know I can do it...I might have to cry myself to sleep but I'm going to try a little harder.

I'm talking to myself
I don't think I'm going to make it today.
I have two cigarettes stashed and I'm almost ready to go take one drag.
I feel like I can start over tomorrow.
I feel like I'm torturing myself. :barnie

This is getting a little ridiculous.

I keep telling myself if I can make it one whole day then I'll have the worst behind me.

:hugs Do NOT beat yourself up. It is an addiction. Removing it 100% SLAM has real side effects.
It's supposed to be a process, not a "cold turkey" thing. You don't fail while during in the process! So don't think that way, if all you have today is 1 or 2 cigs, is that not still an improvement? Or are you not supposed to smoke at all during the "quitting time"?

RIGHT!! Just like the commercial says! Slow turkey not slam dunk.

This isn't how I was thinking but I'm starting to think one drag of one cigarette won't be that bad...compared to smoking all day.
:hit I can't make up my mind. :barnie

For real I have smoked for 30 years. I know those cravings very well. I think if you torture yourself it will make it harder.
Maybe counting what you USED to smoke then cut 30-50% out for 3-4 days then another 30-50% off that and repeat. Then the side effects wouldn't hit so hard.
The only times I've quit were when I was really sick and just didn't want to get out of bed. Like I'd rather die. And I've gone weeks afterward without having one, and then I'll just pick some up and start again. I know smoking anything other than what I normally smoke puts me off. So maybe you could try that? I can say that I usually only smoke five or six times a day unless I'm really stressed out, or I'm out drinking/playing pool. I'll nearly smoke a whole pack on Thursday nights but then I don't usually smoke at all Friday.

I work at a Texas A&M University and they just decided to go vape free. The Chancellor leaned on them to make the tobacco policy match so now we are vape and tobacco free. You can't do it on any university owned property. I usually go all day without one now at work.

I will also admit that all this talking about smoking is making me want a cigarette sooo bad! So I can only imagine how you feel.
I don't think I'm going to make it today.
I have two cigarettes stashed and I'm almost ready to go take one drag.
I feel like I can start over tomorrow.
I feel like I'm torturing myself. :barnie

This is getting a little ridiculous.

I keep telling myself if I can make it one whole day then I'll have the worst behind me.
You can do it!

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