We Quit Cigarettes

:frow. UPDATED...Today is day 17! March 5th
I can do it.

Me: :barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie

I decided last month that I was going to try to do something I've never done before, quit smoking.

I knew I couldn't do it on my own so I got some medicine called Chantix. I tried Chantix about 10 years ago but I did not take it for the correct amount of time...I quit smoking but started back up after 3 months. I also do not remember it being this hard to quit back then.

I've been so worried about the side effects (I had one bad side effects last time) that I was not thinking about how hard today was going to be.

I have been on the medicine for a week with no bothersome side effects...that I was a nervous wreck about.

I have not smoked today and I really don't want to but geez I want to.:barnie:barnie:barnie
Kiki take it one day at a time, substitute gum, and when you want a cig. stick a piece of gum in your mouth, by the time you go to bed you will have so much gum trying to chew it all will almost hurt, but you will laugh that you were thinking more about all the gum in your mouth that you forgot about the cigs. for a while. Worked for me 40+ years ago, I felt I owned most of the Wrigley company...
I don't think I mentioned here that I don't wear my Fitbit on my wrist.

I wear my Fitbit around my right ankle.
I have worn a Fitbit on my ankle and my wrist at the same time and I find that the ankle keeps better/More accurate track of the information for me.
And it has that fashionable, "I am on house arrest" look :lau:lau :th @Kiki
I lose things all the time. The really bad thing is that I can be looking right at the lost thing and not be able to recognize it for what it is.

I was using a brush saw in the fall of 2018. I picked it up and moved it. I have no clue where I moved it to. It has been well over a year and I still have not found it.
That's what happened when you get old.
And it has that fashionable, "I am on house arrest" look :lau:lau :th @Kiki
I actually saw an old man with a real ankle bracelet thing the other day at the grocery store.
I really wanted to adk him why he was wearing one but I didn't want him to choke me.
I took a picture. Let me see if I can find it.
Kiki take it one day at a time, substitute gum, and when you want a cig. stick a piece of gum in your mouth, by the time you go to bed you will have so much gum trying to chew it all will almost hurt, but you will laugh that you were thinking more about all the gum in your mouth that you forgot about the cigs. for a while. Worked for me 40+ years ago, I felt I owned most of the Wrigley company...
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I'm doing good.
Today is day 18 with no cigarettes.
I haven't replaced that bad habit with anything new yet.

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