Weak Duck - Not Sure If I Can Help Her


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
I have a duck who is about 18 months old who has been pretty weak for a couple of months. She's had some laying issues from day one - going long periods without laying and sometimes laying two eggs a day, so I have a feeling it may just be something internal?

Anyway, as I said she's been weak for a couple of months. Not overly so, but she just lays down more than the others and seems sleepier. Yesterday, when they were out free ranging, she fell asleep in the yard. I didn't think much of it, but today, she's moving slow, not eating, and her tail is tucked. I can't find anything physically wrong with her like being egg-bound or a wound. (My other hens have stopped laying anyway.) They're also molting, so I'm sure that's not helping. I've been giving electrolytes and extra protein and calcium. But I honestly think nature is just going to have to take its course.

I haven't brought her inside. She's resting pretty comfortably in the pen right now. In case I'm missing anything, does anyone have any ideas?
Well, I went out to check on her, and she was up eating with one of the other hens, and her tale has perked back up. I gave them some extra grubs, oyster shells, and grit, and I added some electrolytes and probiotics to their water. I guess we'll see what happens.
Make sure you put the oyster shell and grit separate from her feed so she doesn't over do on those two items.
If you ever suspect egg bound get some calcium Gluconate I rec everyone who has egg layers to have it. It will help the egg move on down so she lays.
I hope she starts to feel better now. :fl
Make sure you put the oyster shell and grit separate from her feed so she doesn't over do on those two items.
If you ever suspect egg bound get some calcium Gluconate I rec everyone who has egg layers to have it. It will help the egg move on down so she lays.
I hope she starts to feel better now. :fl
Thank you. She's actually doing much better today. I ended up giving them some Rooster Booster, and I'm thinking now she may have had some sort of vitamin deficiency? She seems to have more energy than anyone today and is eating up a storm.
Make sure you put the oyster shell and grit separate from her feed so she doesn't over do on those two items.
If you ever suspect egg bound get some calcium Gluconate I rec everyone who has egg layers to have it. It will help the egg move on down so she lays.
I hope she starts to feel better now. :fl
And thank you! I'm gonna buy some of that just to have on hand.
Also, wouldn't hurt to regularly add the yeast to their food, and also try some liquid vitamin B complex for her over treats, 1 ml once a day - some ducks just need extra niacin and what is provided in the food isn't enough.

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