Weak leg issues


5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hi all. I have a 14 week old dark Brahma pullet that isnt walking much. I noticed two days ago that she wasn't tripping me up when it was treat time and had to go searching for her. I found her laying in the grass. She will stand and walk but her legs give up and she falls down. She's eating and drinking fine. I've been giving her brewers yeast in her food and nutridrench. Added some ACV to water. I'm not sure what else to do. Still talking non stop and alert. Any ideas? No one else in her flock is sick. They all free range and eat a 21% growerer. She is such a sweet girl I dont want to loose her.
Im sure someone who has more experience will come along, but is there a chance she got hurt? My pullets play pretty roughly sometimes and sprain legs alot. They usually just stay off them a bit for a few days and then their back to starting trouble. For some reason my girls (whom paired themselves off) will run up to their bestie and kick them. Then they both stand up really tall chest 2 chest and take off running side by side. Its very entertaining to watch.
Hi, I'm not a first aid person--but trying to learn what questions to ask...
How's her poop look?
Is she breathing good, any congestion?
Is she eating and drinking like she normally does (more or less)?
How's her crop look and feel?
Anything else weird going on with her?
It is always good to look at possibilities of injury, vitamin deficiency, coccidiosis--when one is not eating, having diarrhea, or lethargic when a young chicken is lame. But Mareks disease, unfortunately, is very common at that age, especially this time of the year. Make sure that she is able to reach food and water while you are not there. Chicken slings can be handy for several hours a day to get upright and reach food. If you should lose her eventually, Mareks disease can only be confirmed with a necropsy done by a poultry lab or state vet who tests feather shafts and tumors on tissue. I really hope that she responds to the vitamins, and is just having a temporary problem. There are many good threads and links to read about other people's experience with Mareks if it turns out to be that. Keep us informed on how she is doing. Here are some pics of slings:

She walks normally just doesn't seem to have the strength to walk more then a foot. If you touch her while shes standing she falls down. I gave her selenium and vitamin e today and two hours later she walked out of her box and across my livingroom but hasn't gotten up since. Eating and drinking normaly as well as normal poop. Thanks everyone. I have tylon and another antibiotic here. Would it hurt to give her any?

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