Weak & thin chick won’t eat, HELP!

I agree. The kids could have taken the chick away from food and water all day to handle it and completely forgot about it’s needs for survival. Kids I’ve let play with my chicks have a tendency to do that.

I hope your chick survives! Keep up the good work and don’t give up!
It was probably the kids, but not sure what happened.. i’ll be more careful next time. Thank you for the support
Is it possible that you could heat water up and put the water in a plastic bottle, and put the water next to the chick and throughout the night, replace the water so it doesn’t cool off? I’m not sure if that is a thing people do. I’m just guessing.
I wrapped the baby in a towel and went to check on her every hour approximately.. but at one point i went to check and she was in really bad shape, as in would not open her eyes, wouldn’t stand and was barely breathing.. i assumed it was the end then. Kept her in my hands for a while but knew she wouldn’t make it.
Go to Tractor Supply or your feed store and buy a small bottle of Bovidr Labs Poultry Nutri-Drench. Give the chicks a dose. use this any time a chick looks needy. It doesn't need to be digested, mainlines directly into the bloodstream, measurable in the bloodstream in 10 minutes all natural . Jumpstarts the G.I. tract and helps reboost the immune system. http://www.nutridrench.com
With new baby chicks or shipped chicks, put 1 1/2 teaspoons in a quart of water for the first week you have then. This will help keep their G,I, tracts functioning normally in spite of shipping and/or rehoming stress.
Chicks' G.I. tracts don't function normally when they are sick or stressed. The idea of the Drench is to help keep their body systems ( esp. the G.I. tract functioning as normal as possible. The problem with feeding baby chicks solid helps when they are sick or stressed is that their G.I. tract doesn't function efficiently. they can't efficiently digest solid helps. So we run the option of having the chick slowly digest less helps than it needs to get better....until the challenged body systems begin a cascade of failure and the chick dies.
Karen and the Light Sussex in western PA, USA

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