

Squeaky Wheel
11 Years
Feb 11, 2008
Waterloo, Nebraska
What kind of trap is best for a weasel? I went in the coop this morning and discovered my black Australorp dead. I strongly suspect a weasel. There were no obvious wounds. She was perfectly fine last night. There appeared to be a wet spoton the floor under her neck. I think that she bled there, and the little jerk licked the blood up. The traps that they sell at TSC have 1 inch openings in the wire. Is that small enough to keep a weasel from escaping? There are weasels, ferrets and minks in our area. I don't think that a mink or ferret could have gotten in, but a small weasel probably could have. I am going to try to find a trap. If I don't have a trap by tonight, I'm going to put my 2 best barn cats in there. The coop is divided into two separate coops to keep the roosters apart. I'll put a cat on each side. One of these cats has killed a mink in the past so I know that she is up to the the task.
a trap with small holes is what you need...
also..i think they say to use sardines or tuna or fishy cat food for bait... i think...
good luck! i had one kill several of my girls last year and it came back EVERY day..... they are HARD to catch...
I was wondering just haw small the holes need to be. The trap with the smallest holes in TSC has holes that are about 1 inch. I'm worried that is too big.
I'm surprised it didn't take the whole head. I left the pop door open and a weasel came in and only took my best broody's head....no blood anywhere. Could you get the smallest have-a-heart traps? I do believe your cats will take care of it but there may be more than one weasel so I'd keep them in there indefinitely.
So sorry.
I would wrap (with zip ties or something...) some chicken wire or some other very small wire around the 1in trap.... just to be safe....
they are soooo crafty..hate the things...
I'm not sure if I have weasels in my area, but I have something digging in/around my coops. The holes are about the size of a mole hole, but there are no dirt mounds - only the hole? I have tried setting rat traps (baited with peanut butter and covered with box so the chickens don't trip them), but I've gotten nothing. They (what ever it is) seems to be out smarting me by just diggin a hole in another spot? I also have a Have-a-hart trap set - nothing in there either???
I found some like this and dh said it was frog holes, believe it or not.

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