Week by week, a helpful picture guide to aging goslings.

Giant exhibition dewlap Toulouse goslings:

Norbert is 2 weeks old

Beep beep is 6 days old:

Together so you can see the difference:
At just 3 and a half weeks I came downstairs this morning to Norbert's voice breaking, it's so cute....I now have half peeps/not quite honks from him every now and again :)
Lovely to see! Ours are around 6 weeks now and they're 'normal wild geese' in my country; the dictionary tells me they're called greylag geese in English.

They've started feathering around the same time as yours, and like you said, lots of wing flapping atm! Are they practising their flying muscles?

I think ours are more like 5/6th feathered now; just a bit of down still on the back of their neck and back. The chest turned first. Makes sense - to keep them warm in the water, and it works so well! They've got lovely thick down underneath the waterproof top feathers.

However unlike yours, ours don't honk that much, yet! They started doing it a little about a week ago, but they mostly only do it when they're left alone in the garden - we get this very amusing, high honk then. But amongst themselves and when we're there, it's just baby whistling and beeping still.


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6 week old update!! Embdens squeaks are turning to honks. Africans are quite a bit smaller and more squeaky sounding. We unfortunately lost Booboo from a racoon attack, but thankfully we got the racoon and are taking more precautions to ensure our gaggle is safe & sound.


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We have one pomeranian gosling. Born May 25th called Goosey. Fairly sure it's a female. Wondering how long until she feathers up and stumbled across this thread :)
So all you geese lovers. My African goose turned 15 weeks today and we noticed he started turning a little bit mean last week. He has been raised around our dogs and cats and he loved my 12 year old 2 weeks ago..... now he starts honking loudly and biting her when she comes around him. He also gets a little fiesty with me on occasion. What gives?
I always see people posting pictures trying to figure out the age of their gosling, so I thought I'd put up pictures of my Cas as he changed week to week in hopes it might help others. In honor of my hub's writing skills, I proudly call this "The Chronicles of Cas"!

Here he is the day we brought him home, and our best guess put him at no more than 2 days old...

He was very sleepy, and had no real interest in eating or drinking.

The following week (1 week old by our estimates)...

Far more active and very curious about everything around him.

(1.5 weeks old)...

Beginning his "toddler" stage, curious and playful, everything is a fun new toy!

(2 weeks old)...

Standing taller, starting to "plump", still wobbly at times, no feathers yet. Feet are still rather tiny, but legs have become stocky.

(3 weeks old)...

Feathers are starting! Still 'talks' in mostly peeps, but an occasional baby honk is heard. Wings are small in comparison to his body. Feet fill in and become larger.

(3.5 weeks old)...

Really getting those feathers now. Tail, wings, shoulders are covered in pin (new) feathers. Wings are beginning to catch up to his body size.

(4 weeks old)...

Baby down is growing out as feathers fill in. Wings are slightly more proportionate to body. Far more honks than peeps now.

(5 weeks old)...

Serious weight gain and size change this week. Looking far less "baby" and more "goose". Honks have almost completely replaced the peeps and feathers are filling in everywhere.

(6 weeks old)...

Definitely looks more like a goose. Body is approx. 3/4 feathered. Neck and head remain downy, though the beginnings of feathers can be felt. Neck thickens, lobe(s) become more defined, face looses some 'baby chub'. Baby peeps are a thing of the past now, and honks are louder and more clear.

(6.5 weeks old...)

Nearly completely feathered now, weight gain this week as body fills out. Legs and feet are now more matched in size to the body.

(7 weeks old...)

Lots of flapping wings now. Wing feathers really growing, wing span increases. Not nearly as much feather casing dust now as feathering is almost complete. Head is beginning to feather around the bill and eyes, and starting to spread down the neck.

I will update this as he ages too, and I hope this might help someone who wants to know at least an approximate age of a gosling.

*Edit* I'd also really love to see other breeds aging! Feel free to post your weekly growth pictures too! (Try to make it one post that you can edit as they grow
I have to ask about the name! Is Cas a supernatural reference?!

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