May 30, 2023
I hatched these babies 6 days ago and since they hatched one of the chicks has been randomly making this weird motion. It stands there and closes its eyes and throws its head back. It opens its mouth like it’s chirping but no sounds come out. It does that for a while and then stops shakes and runs off and acts normal. It’s the same size as the other chicks and eats and drinks fine but it’s also the only chick with this behavior. Like I said it’s done it since hatch I’m just curious if I should be concerned.
A video uploaded to Youtube and linked here would be good.

What are you feeding them?
Is this one eating and drinking normally?
What does its poop look like?
What is the brooder setup like? Does it have a warm end and a cool end? What are the temps at each end?
A video uploaded to Youtube and linked here would be good.

What are you feeding them?
Is this one eating and drinking normally?
What does its poop look like?
What is the brooder setup like? Does it have a warm end and a cool end? What are the temps at each end?
I’ll post a video once it uploads! They’re on 30% game chick starter crumble. It’s eating and drinking fine and acts normal most of the time but a few times a day does this weird routine. They are pooping the same as the others are and he brooder is a homemade set up with wood shavings and a heat lamp with a temperature control system. It’s set to 96 degrees and there is a warm and a cool end I’ll attach a photo of it here


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A video uploaded to Youtube and linked here would be good.

What are you feeding them?
Is this one eating and drinking normally?
What does its poop look like?
What is the brooder setup like? Does it have a warm end and a cool end? What are the temps at each end
A video uploaded to Youtube and linked here would be good.

What are you feeding them?
Is this one eating and drinking normally?
What does its poop look like?
What is the brooder setup like? Does it have a warm end and a cool end? What are the temps at each end?
i uploaded a video. In the video you can hear another baby chirping and it looks like this chick is the one chirping but I promise it’s not lol
Are those cedar shavings? If they are, I would recommend that you use puppy pads, paper towels or pine shavings instead. Cedar can be highly aromatic.

She looks to be gasping to me, it's hard to know if it's the Cedar, if it's crop problem or perhaps failure to thrive.
Also just to be sure, look inside the beak to make sure there's nothing hung inside like a hair, piece of shaving, food, etc.

I'd check her crop tell us what that feels like.
The others look fairly comfortable, do watch your temps that they are not overheating.

She's stumbling just a little. Check legs and feet. I'd be inclined to get some vitamins that contain B2 into her. Vitamins/Electrolytes in the water for a few days would be good.

Lastly...I'd offer chick grit. They are on shavings and will often pick up and consume tiny pieces of wood/shavings which can be hard to process without grit. Grit is one of my pet peeves...
It appears to have a neurological issue? What that is idk! It could have 1 of several issues like brooder pneumonia, Aspergillosis, or Infectious Bronchitis, too!...the reason for the head throwing back and the rale.
@Wyorp Rock is right, that is cedar shavings, a big no no, it off gases several turpines which can kill chick's. Switch to either Pine or Aspen shavings or as mentioned, puppy pads.
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Are those cedar shavings? If they are, I would recommend that you use puppy pads, paper towels or pine shavings instead. Cedar can be highly aromatic.

She looks to be gasping to me, it's hard to know if it's the Cedar, if it's crop problem or perhaps failure to thrive.
Also just to be sure, look inside the beak to make sure there's nothing hung inside like a hair, piece of shaving, food, etc.

I'd check her crop tell us what that feels like.
The others look fairly comfortable, do watch your temps that they are not overheating.

She's stumbling just a little. Check legs and feet. I'd be inclined to get some vitamins that contain B2 into her. Vitamins/Electrolytes in the water for a few days would be good.

Lastly...I'd offer chick grit. They are on shavings and will often pick up and consume tiny pieces of wood/shavings which can be hard to process without grit. Grit is one of my pet peeves...
They are cedar shavings! I’ll switch them out for pine but she was doing this before when she was only on shelf liner the first
It looks like something neurological. +1 on what @Wyorp Rock said about cedar shavings. Some Nutri-Drench wouldn't hurt, nor will the vitamins.
thanks! It could be the cedar shavings are making it worse but he/she did this with hen it was only paper towels and shelf liner in the enclosure as well. They do have access to both water and electrolyte/vitamin water throughout the day but it probably is something neurological. It almost reminds me of my son’s seizures. Super odd and we had a really difficult hatch with lots of babies not making it past a few hours old. I’m wondering if maybe the genetic pool isn’t that great

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