Weird black thing! Is this something to worry about?


Apr 29, 2020
So when we cracked one of our eggs this morning we found something quite shocking.

It was a hard black knot, when we cut it open it was very tough and kinda fibrous or something like that. Anyway we usually get double yolks, and eggs with another egg inside,(it only happened once btw) not a yolk with a black tumor like thing in it. So if any of you guys have some helpful info on if this is just something weird or deadly.
Do you gather eggs every day? Do you know the age if the layer who made it?
Yes we do gather everyday I didnt yesterday because we were busy with our geese, we gave them to a lady. It was possibly either one of our white leghorns or maybe a buff orpington, if it was a buff they are about four years old, if it was a leghorn we just got them at the ending of summer last year so they are nearly a year old. We do however have a very old white leghorn, Big Mama, and she is about seven or eight years old but she doesnt lay anymore not that I know of, I know she is one of the most dedicated broodys so she doesnt much like me for the fact that I steal "her" eggs everyday. We also have a few of our buffs that look like they are getting cataracts, I dont know if that has anything to do with it or not.
I used to get tons of meat spots and questionable things in my eggs. I switched from store bought pellets to a great mash recipe from a feed mill and all problems have stopped. More expensive but much better eggs, not to mention soy free
It's NOT an embryo....or even a developing fertile egg.
Look at according pics of incubating eggs at day 2-3-4.
There would be veins on yolk.

ETA old birds can get funky as they age.

Probably a funky ova or piece of tissue('meat spot') from somewhere in the reproductive tract. I'd not worry about it unless you see more of them.
I would keep an eye out for more. Are you positive that the old Leghorn hadn't had this egg for a few days?
I am pretty sure she didnt have any eggs to sit on we are very vigilant with our gathering because we sell our eggs.
It's NOT an embryo....or even a developing fertile egg.
Look at according pics of incubating eggs at day 2-3-4.
There would be veins on yolk.

ETA old birds can get funky as they age.

Probably a funky ova or piece of tissue('meat spot') from somewhere in the reproductive tract. I'd not worry about it unless you see more of them.
That's probably what's wrong because we do have an more large elderly population than younger😂 counting that the majority of our flock is buffs. And they are I guess what you would call middle aged😂

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