Weird eggs..does it mean anything?


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Colton, Oregon
My Royal Palm hen has laid two eggs in the same day and both are odd. I'm wondering if there is a reason for it, if I should be concerned. She is a year old and this is the second set of eggs she has laid since I have had her. I know she was laying before I got her. I hatched the first set out and this set I have been taking from her. The first egg was just like this one but busted on one side a bit. They are flat on one side.

I have seen eggs strange formed from my Chickens I see this more from new laying hens than the older ones who have already been laying for awhile.
I don't think you have any concerns but I am new to Turkeys.
Do you supply them with a calcium supply such as oyster shell they might need this to form a proper egg shell if there's not enough calcium supply there egg shells can break very easy because of thin shells.

If its not a lack of vitamins or minerals haven't herd of a illness that could cause this .
You say she has layed twice in one year and and she is a year old and the first batch was normal.
If you dont have her on some kind of calcium supplament it sounds like she had enough calcium in her system for the first lay but not for the second does this make sence to you.

Some one here may have better advice than me but I hope this helps.
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She has access to both grit and oyster shell and I see her eating it. She seems fine so I guess I'll just keep an eye on her. This would have been her third set of eggs that I know of. The owner before me said she hatched out a set, and since I have had her she set on 14 eggs and hatched them out herself. She took a break and now has been laying again. These two eggs were likely the last ones she would lay before setting..but I've been taking them. I don't want anymore turkey babies this year.
I understand it is getting late in the year for raising Poults at least it would be for me.
well that's strange if she is getting the nutrients she needs it could be that she is laying eggs faster than her body can produce the eggs properly?.

Best of luck to you.

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