Weird Mother's Day Present..


Jan 12, 2019
Hi all. Some of you may know I lost my pet cat Inky a couple months ago. Well on Sunday I got a weird present from a local cat. She brought me 4 kittens right to my door step. Now you must understand she is not my cat but lives in the neighborhood. One of the kits looked just like my Inky. Unfortunately only one was alive, blue eyes open and wobbly walking (3-4 weeks old maybe). We made a place for her and the little one (we're calling him Jack) under our broken Webber grill/smoker. Blocked it all off so he can't get out (but mom can) and put straw inside so its dry. Feels like my Inky sent me a present :)

I gave the others a nice deep burial in a corner of my Garden with a large rock on top. We are all hopeful this little one will make it. Fingers crossed.
Do you have pictures of jack?

I have not taken any pics of him yet. The first night, just before it started to rain she took him to the cellar stairs out side (no protection from the rain). I told her, "listen, you can't just take him places." and i took him back to the grill. Husband laughed but she hopped in and they stayed there the rest of the night.

Yesterday and today she brought him out in the afternoon to my door and we played for a bit. I did my afternoon chores and put him back under the grill and she climbs in. So far she has not taken him out of my yard so I am hopeful she won't.

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