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Frequently in years of excessive rain and high humidity squash, pumpkin and related plants suffer from mildew, funguses and root rot. That being said, my neighbor's field of pumpkins is doing great.
The rain has been moderate this year, but the humidity has been very high lately. The flowers are becoming covered in black inky specks. It was just the flowers at first, now it is moving to the actual vegetables. I have had a total of about 7 start growing nicely (I planted them late this year, so they are just starting to produce). I have only been able to harvest one zucchini and one squash. The rest are starting to shrivel up and die before they are even fully grown. Good for him! What does he do with all of his pumpkins?
They do grow fast.
They do indeed. My two leghorns should begin laying any day. I am very excited for that! I have been waiting ever so impatiently.
That's good. :)

Yeah, mine need a bigger run too.

I think my new run is about a 25 by 25. I wasn't going to make it that large, but had extra wiring left over, so I thought, why not?
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Here is an example of a restoration I did

You're good!
I would put their broody butts in a cage or something.
I might. It has started to becime very annoying. I don't have any roosters, so I went and bought those eggs. It cost me twenty dollars for eight eggs. If both chicks hatch, it will have cost me ten dollars a chick. I would have been better off getting a few chicks and introducing them to her early in the morning.
He sells them at a roadside stand on the rural road that we live on. He makes enough money to secure his farmland assessment for tax purposes.
That's good. I would love to have a large garden, but I was unable to have one this year. I have six tomato plants, two squash plants, and two zucchini plants. This has been one if my smaller gardens. I love to have a large flourishing piece of land filled with fruits and vegetables.

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