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If DW wore those they'd look like squished cornish X
are you suggesting your dw has a large backside? :lol:
The 2nd fertile call egg (which I've been stressing about) pipped yesterday (should have hatched yesterday) and the wrong end. :/ still alive. Made sure it could breath, drape a paper towel over top. Guess I'll have to hatch that one tonight and tomorrow :(

:fl :fl

I'm down to 16, the littlest one and the curled one didn't make it through the night, I knew I was gonna have to cull the curled one but I'm a little bummed about the other. :(

Sorry, Dan...

:love Happy Valentines Day! :love


Aww!!! :love

someone's inability to read a pregnancy test...  :rolleyes:

Glad I missed that one...

I've got two babies hatched so far! I managed to watch the second one push out of its shell.

Congrats on your V-Day baby WV!

@DwayneNLiz We got about 18 inches, and most of it within a 12 hour period, ugh. But we're all cleared out now. We're very prepared for snow up here, lol.

Yay!!! Go chickies!!

Maybe my ducky wants to be a valentines ducky!!!

:weee and :love
it was pretty funny :gig
Liz, that chicken butt is a little disturbing. I think I'll stick with this butt

Ok, it wasn't just me disturbed by the crochet chicken butt! :gig

it's less fun :(
But, really? Who would wear these?

The same ones that wore JUICY written across the butt... :/

If DW wore those they'd look like squished cornish X


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