Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

The little chick I had to help out is doing well, getting stronger. Its foot is still a little weird from being malpositioned but that'll fix itself over time.

In other news, I went to the other house and my cousin, who is renting it for really cheap as a favor, broke the one rule I gave her - don't let your dog run loose. It's a Rottweiler, it's never seen chickens before, we don't know if it will go after them, it needs to be in a pen or on a tie out. I pull into the driveway and it comes barreling at me, barking all the while. Now, I'm not afraid of her so I still got out of my car, but I was steaming mad. I told you not to let the dog loose. That's the one thing I asked. You've lived there for three days and you've already broken that rule.

Luckily the chickens were all holed up in their coops because of the snow, which is probably why she thought it was okay, but it wasn't. I told you to keep your dog contained, you keep your dog contained. That's it.

Glad the little one is better.
Never understand why people can't live by rules they are given. :/

5 externals!! :weee

One of the 1st ones is enlarging....


I've got 6 out, 6 more have pipped. :ya

Deduction my dear Watson.


That one will go overhead too. :D
My young chicken integration didn't go to well. Two out of three did okay but the runt was scalped by the hens. The runt was a chick Mrs. Oz rescued at hatch. She's a little special in the short bus kinda way. They had been okay until today when she checked on them at lunch. No open wounds but feathers are gone. Looks pretty gross but she seems okay. Mrs. Oz treated with BlueKote and we'll dose with Penicillin when we get home.
Glad the little one is better.
Never understand why people can't live by rules they are given. :/

I've got 6 out, 6 more have pipped. :ya

That one will go overhead too. :D

Only 1 unpipped egg for me, and I can barely see the eggs, so who knows, it might be.
the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something.
"my 17 years of sports fandom"
the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc., regarded collectively as a community or subculture.
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