Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

the last sane one on the pond........yes sir, you should do it......

If I'm the last sane one, all of you are in trouble.
Haven't been to the doctor in nearly 2 years. I have a 'wellness' visit scheduled for the 25 th. I am going to discuss this with him at that time.
If I'm the last sane one, all of you are in trouble.
Haven't been to the doctor in nearly 2 years. I have a 'wellness' visit scheduled for the 25 th. I am going to discuss this with him at that time.
you see anyone else on this body of water that isn't off their cracker?
Crappy day and I missed Spook... :(

Awful busy day, but still managed to NOT get done one thing that was planned...

And Brooke disappeared...

Thanks, Chris... just in a very bad mood right now... probably best if I take a break, I dunno...

Oh, minihorse is extremely sick... sounds like the crap I caught from Jack went cybercontageous... :(

I'm extremely mean when I'm grumpy, no joke...

My mood is homicidal and extremely toxic. Didn't get my test results today​ so I had a small/ HUGE breakdown and cried for almost 2 hours. Must be something in the air.. I'm nothing short of terrible at the moment :(

must be sunspots....  I am diving off the wagon tonight....  I will pay tomorrow big time.....


Big hugs to all..... :hugs
The usual staying out of trouble. How about yourself?

Still waiting for spring to fully embrace my U. P. AT LEAST WE DIDN'T GET THAT SNOW THEY SAID WE WOULD GET LAST NIGHT.....

I'm in the hospital with my Dad, he's having a heart catherization today. Please keep him in your prayers. Other than that we're all good.

Prayers brother......

Good morning folks!

Good morning ....er afternoon.
Sorry I slept real hard and late.

mornin.... pondies....  didn't fall too far off...  no ill effects.... Yay


My Pops is going to have to have open heart surgery. Doc says he's a good candidate.

Double prayers.....

Such surgeries have become far more common with excellent results.  What's the time schedule ?  Was he having symptoms ?  Both my father and his brother died of major cardiac events in their late 60's.  I have no symptoms, but think I may need to have a stress test.

Do it
If I'm the last sane one, all of you are in trouble.  :th  Haven't been to the doctor in nearly 2 years.  I have a 'wellness' visit scheduled for the 25 th.  I am going to discuss this with him at that time.

Dang good can you get away with that... I practically live at the Drs.
Such surgeries have become far more common with excellent results. What's the time schedule ? Was he having symptoms ? Both my father and his brother died of major cardiac events in their late 60's. I have no symptoms, but think I may need to have a stress test.

If I'm the last sane one, all of you are in trouble.
Haven't been to the doctor in nearly 2 years. I have a 'wellness' visit scheduled for the 25 th. I am going to discuss this with him at that time.

Yes, get it done, please!

you see anyone else on this body of water that isn't off their cracker?

You called?

And here I thought you were talking about me being the only sane one.

Wrong number.


You sane!?!?! You're the founder of this scum bucket!
Which reminds me... next Saturday, April 29th is our one year anniversary, since the grand opening of our lovely Pond.

I think a celebration will be in order.

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