Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Oldest son (eta: by a minute - one of the twins) headed to S. Korea in two weeks to study/teach. School for two other college ages kids starts soon and then after Labor Day I'm back in too...where has summer gone?? I will miss the time off, but not this year's heat-fest. Jeepers. It's only 102 out there today...only. I wrote only. Because, brrr, I might need a sweater.
Oldest son (eta: by a minute - one of the twins) headed to S. Korea in two weeks to study/teach. School for two other college ages kids starts soon and then after Labor Day I'm back in too...where has summer gone?? I will miss the time off, but not this year's heat-fest. Jeepers. It's only 102 out there today...only. I wrote only. Because, brrr, I might need a sweater.
Hey I have family up around Redding.... :frow Hello from San Diego
Y'all are the best!!! Just had to say that if'n it hasn't been said to y'all lately!

Thank you, everyone... :hugs :hugs

byc thumbs up2.gif
Back at ya!

Princess isn't big on sharing. :p

You'll let us know if she changes her mind? :fl

Once again I can't catch up. So if anyone wants to fill me in on the happenings of the last two days, that'd be great.

Challenge accepted.

Friday popped in to say hello. Her dad is tired of the assisted living place.
Rav has not done any midnight weed whacking that we know of.
Chris is back home & the monkeys rejoiced.
Pyxis has hatched some chicks & has more on the way.
FMF is spoiling her goose, Vixyn.
Phil's friend Dawn is an awful driver.
Whites is the grammar police.
Apparently addressing us as "Pond Scum" has been deemed unacceptable and therefore, oversensitive person departed.
WV & her hubby have a wedding anniversary this weekend.
Pert eventually catches up and consistently inserts great one liners.
Sour showered. Princess flirted and won't share.
perchie girl ordered stones too small, but she'll make it work.
BYC910 doesn't understand some of his own posts, but that isn't news, really.
bobbi j is still on the road, I think.
AL has family in town so he's been grumpy due to the forced socializing.
Chaos isn't sure if he likes gin, but he did enjoy his little pill this morning.

Whew, getting cramps from all the typing.
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