Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

And what about people "caught " on your property? I hope you skipped those! :lau
:lau:lauI'll never tell :cool:

I scored a 55 gallon drum barbecue grill for $25 today. Welded cart, polymer wheels, welded steel bar grates. Big enough for a 50ish lb feeder pig...

And a jumbo wire dog crate curb surfing. Yahoo!
:lau Dan's got pigs fire it up.:thumbsup
I won't be able to see her till tomorrow. Pray for me that I say the right things and don't lose my temper!
I know you want to blow up. I would feel the same. We both know it would do more harm than good. Blew up at my daughter once over a nocount boy. Then went to the boy to make sure he understood not to come around her again. Well he stayed away but she stayed away from me for about 6 or 8 months also.
I won't be able to see her till tomorrow. Pray for me that I say the right things and don't lose my temper!
I'll pray you don't lose your temper . You'll say the right things. What else can you do but . Your Mom :confused:Even though the right things may seem wrong to her . :hugs:hugs

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