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I’ve always read that your children are much less likely to be abused if they know the anatomical names of their genitals. So when I taught my middle son (was about 4 at the time) he said “Mom, did you say you had a pa-ginis?”:lau
My sister/friend s little boy grabbed at his when she was changing his diaper around 3 or 4 and asked what it was. . she had been teaching him body part names. . but she had not even thought about what she would tell him about that yet.
So. .she decided to just be honest.
Well son, that's your penis.
I HAVE A PEANUT! he said :lau:lau

She didn't bother trying to correct him so for the longest time it was well known by the whole family that he had a peanut in his pants. :lau:lau:gig:lau

Im glad im not the only one that feels that way...:oops:
Seems like an awkward situation to me that could have been handled more tactfully. . but. . what do I know.
My sister/friend s little boy grabbed at his when she was changing his diaper around 3 or 4 and asked what it was. . she had been teaching him body part names. . but she had not even thought about what she would tell him about that yet.
So. .she decided to just be honest.
Well son, that's your penis.
I HAVE A PEANUT! he said :lau:lau

She didn't bother trying to correct him so for the longest time it was well known by the whole family that he had a peanut in his pants. :lau:lau:gig:lau

Seems like an awkward situation to me that could have been handled more tactfully. . but. . what do I know.
Brings a whole new meaning to the kids song "Found a Peanut" :lau:gig
Maybe we're just gettin old guys ..:oops:
The teacher wasn't reading it out loud, she was having the KIDS read out loud! Girls reading about penises, and boys reading about menstruation. One kid couldn't handle it and actually left the room. She was trying to be very matter-of-fact about things, but.. 7th graders. Need I say more?
I think I would have been one of those kids who refused...... I would have been mortified to talk aloud about it. Especially in front of the boys. Nope....... just nope.
I think I would have been one of those kids who refused...... I would have been mortified to talk aloud about it. Especially in front of the boys. Nope....... just nope.
I know - I felt sorry for the kids. She kept telling them that sometimes you just have to "suck it up and get through things".

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