Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

So far, so good. Thankfully the first couple of rains we had allowed some growth of the grasses on the hills, which definitely helps keep erosion at bay. There are a few hillsides that the fire "hell - scaped" which have people concerned.

I had a good chuckle over your "reviews" - my favorite Dr.Seuss is The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in which the king "turned the Grand Duke Wilfred over his knee and spanked him soundly, right on the seat of his royal silk pants." :)
We had Dr Seuss books when we were kids. The Cat In The Hat, Green Eggs And Ham...
I can't remember all the titles.
:gig I have. My brothers are bigger than I. At 6ft I’m still the runt. Though my younger brother has bigger feet :lol:

My mom's dad was the shortest boy in his family--he was 6' 2", and his 2 brothers went up by 2" intervals! His baby sister was 6" tall (and, by the time I came around, had a circumference to match)! I'm 45. So all these tall folks were born about a century or so ago...

Congratulations on the badge! :highfive:
How are things going there?

Well, I have an interview tomorrow with Fedex Express...
My mom's dad was the shortest boy in his family--he was 6' 2", and his 2 brothers went up by 2" intervals! His baby sister was 6" tall (and, by the time I came around, had a circumference to match)! I'm 45. So all these tall folks were born about a century or so ago...

Well, I have an interview tomorrow with Fedex Express...
Nice! I hope you get the job! :highfive::fl
I reckon the nice guys and girls do finish last. It’s difficult to finish first if you stop to pick up those that have fallen in the race.
The good bit is, the nice guys and girls finish full while the ****holes finish empty.
The thing to remember is the finish line comes to meet you, so there is no need to rush to reach it. This something I have a lot of trouble explaining to a lot that I’ve met rushing by me.


So far, so good. Thankfully the first couple of rains we had allowed some growth of the grasses on the hills, which definitely helps keep erosion at bay. There are a few hillsides that the fire "hell - scaped" which have people concerned.

I had a good chuckle over your "reviews" - my favorite Dr.Seuss is The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in which the king "turned the Grand Duke Wilfred over his knee and spanked him soundly, right on the seat of his royal silk pants." :)

He spanked him??? :eek: CALL CPS!!!!! :old ITS A CHILD ABUSE BOOK!!! ;):lau

I'm glad you're not having issues yet. I hope you don't. :fl:fl:fl

I apologise for ranting on last night..... Later on I started thinking about things ... I'm a nice guy ... But part of being a nice guy should be don't tell anyone ..I should just be happy with the knowledge myself.... Now I don't tell you all about my day to pat myself on the back.... But it kinda looks that way... So I'll stop.
I just think I live a interesting life always fixing stuff.. .... Helping someone out ....etc.
I kinda got embarrased for myself when I read back..... So sorry guys

I understand what you're saying, but I don't think applies to us. I tell you guys all kinds of stuff I wouldn't tell most people. Besides your posts never, ever come across as bragging or patting yourself on the back. Your posts give me a warm fuzzy feeling & reinforce my faith that there are still good people in this world. Please don't stop sharing stuff with us.:hugs
To be honest Phil, I like reading about your day to day life. I don't consider what you write as moaning. But there again I'm British and we whinge on all day about everything and if we can't find anything else to moan about we get started on the weather.
That doesn't make us bad people.:D

Hearing about your day wears me out, but I love that you share. Shad has said it best - well done, Shad.

@AmyPaperlady , good luck.
Funny story for y'all my mom told today.
A family member had a parent pass away recently, and after her passing the family was saying a prayer and someone said in their prayer "thank you Jesus for taking mom on home so she would not longer suffer."
The little boy in the family about 6 years old is struggling to understand where grandma went and why.
Apparently that night and every night since then he says his bedtime prayers he says " and Jesus, thank you for killing grandma so she didn't suffer no more" :lau:lau
Funny story for y'all my mom told today.
A family member had a parent pass away recently, and after her passing the family was saying a prayer and someone said in their prayer "thank you Jesus for taking mom on home so she would not longer suffer."
The little boy in the family about 6 years old is struggling to understand where grandma went and why.
Apparently that night and every night since then he says his bedtime prayers he says " and Jesus, thank you for killing grandma so she didn't suffer no more" :lau:lau

:lau i feel bad laughing, but that’s funny right there

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