Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Just some random EEs and OEs - still have my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana rooster.

I sold half my flock to downsize a bit, and my neighbor is almost done with her coop and wants some of my hens, so I'm going to raise a few replacements.
I am SUPPOSED to majorly downsize... but it is hard for me to do
Great to see you again!! Been forever!!!
Thanks Al. It really has been a long time. :hugs

I had around 20 chickens and we were drowning in eggs and didn't want the ongoing feed expenses. My neighbor has 2 daughters that both wanted hens, so I sold them each 5. One little grand-daughter was so excited when they came to pick them up. It was so fun to see.
Dusted off the incubator and totally forgot all the settings I used to use. It's been a long time so I thought I'd stop by and do a bit of research.

Miss you guys!
@friday Yet :ya:ya:ya:wee:wee :hugs:hugs:hugs:frow:frow wish I was here when you stopped by.:hit:hit:hit That reminds me I need to go close up the coops .:th
Hi Shad,
thank you :) Tried sharing my good news with my chooks but they didn't seem impressed. All they cared about was the bag of kale salad I had in my hand :drool.
I just want to get off maybe another 15 lbs but my doc told me to slow it down a bit. He doesn't understand spring in the northwoods usually means everyone loses weight just from getting out and getting busy. Not shooting for that traffic stopping shape I had too many years ago, just one that will help me be comfortable in my more "mature" skin and keep me moving for at least another decade or so.
Not to worry, I'm impressed.:)
So exactly how many car crashes so many years ago are you responsible for.:p
I crashed my motorbike trying to get a better look at one particularly attractive women once. Fortunately it wasn't a bad crash, just my front wheel clipping the curb due to a lack of concentration.

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