Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

How's your health these days Friday,?
. I’m ok, I think. Thanks for asking. :)

:hugs Im gonna have DH even cut the unkepmt yard next door so i can treat my place as well as the places on either side and the pasture behind it. Not just this once but the vet said this blow up might last weeks before it gets too hot for them.
So sorry for the losses. Sounds like you have a good plan in place to combat the gnats. I’ve never heard of them killing poultry before!
:hugs Im gonna have DH even cut the unkepmt yard next door so i can treat my place as well as the places on either side and the pasture behind it. Not just this once but the vet said this blow up might last weeks before it gets too hot for them.
Can you burn the ground?
When I first came here there was a major problem with coccidia in the ground. I won't bore you with the details.
One of the local guys here who keeps chickens suggested I burnt the ground. It's common practice here as it is in many places as a disease control. I do it when I move the coops here and I use a blowtorch to clean the coops, so no chemicals.:thumbsup
You need a hosepipe and some petrol. I cut a channel around the area to be burnt, flood it with water, rotovate or dig over the soil to be burnt. Pour petrol on the area to be burnt and set fire to it.
The fire kills all the surface bugs and the ash is easily absorbed by the ground underneath.
Could it also make a difference if they have drakes but no ducks?

What an odd situation! Maybe, yep...they would get desperate... :confused: no idea. However..... I just saw a clip of a male dog attached to a rooster. :sick Not sure how that didn't cause internal hemorrhage. BTW, the dog was a pug.

Perhaps that dirt will be covered up with more nice 'white'.

:rant :smack
Good morning, Pond.

What an odd situation! Maybe, yep...they would get desperate... :confused: no idea. However..... I just saw a clip of a male dog attached to a rooster. :sick Not sure how that didn't cause internal hemorrhage. BTW, the dog was a pug.

:rant :smack

Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

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