Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

That sounds like an expensive place to go and fall over. Your doorstep too conventional for you? :D
I like to try out a few different doorsteps. It broadens the mind I'm told. I've never been totally convinced that rearranging ones skull shape by banging it on doorsteps broadens the mind in all directions, but I wouldn't want to get too pedantic about it.:hmm

Always loved the Duke. Honestly, I don't quite agree with all his life rules, but sometimes I wish I did :smack
Hip is doing well.... Pretty much back to normal now.
Really glad to hear that Phil!!!

woke up in pain took four tylenol..... I know its alot but the only thing that kicks it.

I may go back to bed soon as i count out my pills and fill my dispenser... if the pain doesnt go away. Just my back and why I took alieve in the first place.
Wow, Deb, I hope you're feeling a bit better now. Things will soon be getting much better, just hang in there. We're all in your corner (think you might need to get a bigger lily pad to hold all your supporters :highfive: )
Wow, Deb, I hope you're feeling a bit better now. Things will soon be getting much better, just hang in there. We're all in your corner (think you might need to get a bigger lily pad to hold all your supporters :highfive: )

There's an empty lily pad next to mine, but then again there's always an empty lily pad next to mine. :idunno
At 12:27 Goldenways Dances With the Stars aka Dani died. :hit Great sadness here. The Princess is distraught . This was her buddy. Everything appeared good post surgery, but then she took a turn for the worse. Vet did not go home. He stayed with her, and she died on a blanket on the clinic floor not in a cage. Major sadness here.
So sorry!

She was your house dog?

Just FYI

We had thunder here yesterday.

I thought something had collapsed.


It only thunders here once every 5 or more years.

I didn't see any lighting.

Asked the neighbors.... they said they were freaked out too... took them a minute to realize it was thunder... but nope, they didn't see any lighting either.

And it RAINED afterwards. We usually only mist or light rain sprinkle. It rains a lot here... but almost always lightly.

So the hard rain after the thunder was also a rarity.

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