Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Good Morning, Pond!
My student is gone today, so I’m babysitting the shop class. It’s all senior boys this period. They’re all being polite and respectful, so it’s all good. School is hosting a blood drive today, so that’s what most of them are discussing.

DH had an appointment with the cardiologist yesterday. He was told that his heart is healthier now than it was before surgery. He still has to use sternal precautions for another 3 weeks, (so the ATV key will remain in its super secret hiding place), but has no other restrictions.
Getting about time for the pigs to be fed. At least I feel like a pig here in this facility. Baths 2x a week and we are fed slop. I know I would rather jump in front of a train then to be put in a home for good. I am lied to by the staff weekly. Clothing disappear without warning. It might be okay if i was comatose or out of my mind with dementia. My mom may have not gotten the care she deserved when I tried to cate for her before her death but I'm more grateful I didn't send her to one of these places...
My hero of the day - Dick Hoyt. His son Rick was born paralyzed with cerebral palsy. Doctors suggest institutionalizing him. Dick and his wife said No Way. As a teen Rick asked his non athlete dad if they could compete in a charity race. Dick said yes and they did finishing next to last with Dick pushing Rick in a chair. Rick looked at his father and said, "When we are running it feels like my disability disappears." 32 Boston marathons, 6 Iron Man Triathlons, over 1,000 races. Rick Hoyt just died at 80 years of age. He's a hero to me.
_yeah he was a real inspiration for many ....I was saddened to hear he passed
Back to clean undies

I want a box of them okay :lau
Still don't get the clean undies part.
My wife never wore make up ever.... Bobbie didn't either took a few months ago..... right after I started going with her. She said she never met anyone whom she wanted to wear it for. ..... that's sad..... since she was married for 13 years.
My wife didn't like to wear it. .. she would occasionally
I'm sidelining myself from running for a week - got a bit of an overuse injury that I need to do some exercises to fix -as well use the foam roller (that thing is amazing) and just let it heal. I figure that I've probably been babying the ankle that I broke a while back and that has messed with my gait. (Auto correct turned that to "hair" - yeah, I have split ends, so I need to stop running.)


Lots to do here (process some old hens and unnecessary roosters, finally finish the fence, clean...) and a beautiful day to do it.
Yeah I hate it when I run and my hair splits......

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