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Kid 3 done did graduate! :lau

So... the kids are all on stage... their name is called, they stand up, walk across the stage. They pass a microphone where they have the option to stop and say something... then they get to their parents or parent or whoever, we hand over the diploma, a picture is taken, and we get off the stage.

I paid him 20 bucks to say something. Kid #1 and #2 had said nothing! I wanted a kid to say SOMETHING....

So.... he said... something along the lines of:

"I would like to thank general motors for making it possible for me to arrive at this graduation."


AND, just to make it clear that this kid is MY kid...

They got to make a poster.... all of the other kids made photos, some with poems ... like these 2

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My kid?

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:love yeah... spray paint art... that is an outline of a snow machine half way through a jump. With kid, wearing a helmet, riding it! He started working on it IN MY LIVINGROOM, but when I told him no spray painting inside... he finished it up outside.
I couldn't decide at first whether to put a heart or a laugh...I put the heart. That kid is awesome! Well done kid number 3, and of course mom! Wait..dad? I don't know this yet. 🤔
And that's how they grow. Blink your eyes, and she'll be 25 and marrying the love of her life. Been there seen that.
Yep, with 12 kids, I've seen it a few times too. Where does the time go? I remember hearing old folks saying that back in the day..you know, just the other day. Now, I'm the one old folk that kids are hearing say it.
Last day of school. Goodbye 5th grade classroom.

Orr out.

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