Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Wait, these 2 are better

Well, we just got a Christmas card/condolence note/picture of Maggie Mae from the boarding kennel. We used on 3 occasions. I thought we were okay, but both of us broke down over this kindness. :hit
Oh, Sour, I have been out of the loop and haven’t heard about Maggie Mae. I’m so sorry! :hugs
So I posted an ad for emu chicks online, just to get a ballpark idea of how many eggs I want to set this year. I also offered eggs for sale.

Got an email this morning and we were going back and forth and he was asking price and whatnot, then came out with this gem:

"And if I want a chick I have to wait till they hatch?"


No, I can totally get you a chick before the eggs hatch, sure. I sent an email back asking if he meant did he need to wait to pay. Really hoping that's what he meant, lol.
Oh, Sour, I have been out of the loop and haven’t heard about Maggie Mae. I’m so sorry! :hugs
It was a rough six months dealing with her seizures and being unable to control them. She had six in a 36 hour period before we had her euthanized. In 58 years together we have had 7 dogs. This one stole my heart like none of the others except perhaps, Rhon, my German Shepherd dog - another one that died far too young. Adding to the sadness is the fact that she will probably be our last dog.
It was a rough six months dealing with her seizures and being unable to control them. She had six in a 36 hour period before we had her euthanized. In 58 years together we have had 7 dogs. This one stole my heart like none of the others except perhaps, Rhon, my German Shepherd dog - another one that died far too young. Adding to the sadness is the fact that she will probably be our last dog.
Oh, that is sad, even knowing that you gave her the best life you could while you had her, and in the end, showed her the greatest kindness.

I’ve had dogs all my life, so I know where you’re coming from. My dog just turned 9. He’s a big dog (Redbone Coonhound/Lab as near as we can tell.) DH and I are already having “the discussion”. He’s ready for no more dogs, I am not. But I am the one working in town during the day, so any dog we get would be his responsibility during the day. And he wants to travel. We’ll see. It was 18 months between losing Dakota and getting Ruger. They were rough months for me.
Good Morning from my snow globe! Still snowing a little and blowing a lot, so snow day #3 this week. I’m happy for one more day. The location of our rescheduled family Christmas has been changed to my house, so I will be cleaning and decorating today. (I wasn’t going to bother with decorations because no one was coming. I do have a tree in the basement that the two local grandkids helped decorate the day after Thanksgiving.)

Yesterday DH and I canned 36 pints and 7 quarts of potatoes. He did all the peeling and most of the cutting. I did the east part - stuffing the jars and monitoring the canner.

@Alaskan - I will never get tired of pictures of your church and the view from your place! You could make postcards and calendars of them!

Have a great day, everyone! For those of you dealing with weather, stay safe! Chicki, how are things at your place? And for those of you with randomly decorated palm trees… you hang in there.
And for those of you with randomly decorated palm trees… you hang in there.

(Insert music)

I'm dreaming of a GREEN Christmas!
Just like the ones I used to know!
With palm trees on the strand,
Old mariachi bands,
And the salty sea that loves to blow, oh yes blow!
Ok... it was "fun" having a week free of work and such.... and yes, I am still sleeping LOTS.......

But I now need to go do church books and get ready for services this weekend....

Kid #4 (healthy child) helped me take a covid test. :tongue

The "you have covid line" is super faint. Kid says it still counts, and no, I don't get to come down stairs. :(

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