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One last antique Christmas photo!


Priest and my eldest, lighting votive lights before Service

Ponders good morning one and all!

I am assuming that everyone had a very good holiday.

36 sunny 61% humidity feels like 31 rain 0%.

We had quite a surprise yesterday when my neighbor called to ask if we wanted a Christmas dinner plate for each of us?

Of course, we said yes.

I can only wish everyone had neighbors like we do.

Have a great day!
Ponders good morning one and all!

I am assuming that everyone had a very good holiday.

36 sunny 61% humidity feels like 31 rain 0%.

We had quite a surprise yesterday when my neighbor called to ask if we wanted a Christmas dinner plate for each of us?

Of course, we said yes.

I can only wish everyone had neighbors like we do.

Have a great day!
And what kind of food? Ham, turkey, roast beef?
Hope everyone had a good Christmas! I did - had dinner with my family, got some nice gifts, got to briefly go to the Christmas Eve party my extended family has but left early because:

I injured my back. Or, rather, my back for no reason decided to go into a spasm. It did this to me once before a few years ago and I went to the hospital because it came on in the middle of the night and I developed a stress fever and thought I was dying. They ran a bunch of tests and basically were like, nope, we don't know, go rest and see if it gets better.

And it did, but now it's back, ugh. Nothing to do but wait it out.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas! I did - had dinner with my family, got some nice gifts, got to briefly go to the Christmas Eve party my extended family has but left early because:

I injured my back. Or, rather, my back for no reason decided to go into a spasm. It did this to me once before a few years ago and I went to the hospital because it came on in the middle of the night and I developed a stress fever and thought I was dying. They ran a bunch of tests and basically were like, nope, we don't know, go rest and see if it gets better.

And it did, but now it's back, ugh. Nothing to do but wait it out.
Well.. that is horrid. If something is going to be wrong with me, I like to know what it is and why.


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