Well Hello There!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 4, 2013
Tampa, FL
Hi everyone!

Wanted to give a quick intro for those interested. My name is Dacia, from Tampa, FL (just the Dacia part is the name... not the tampa part ). My hubby and I have four children ages 1,2,4 and 6. We also have a german shepherd (1), a pit bull (2) and a cat (5mo.). Lots of babies.

A few months ago I adopted five young Americaunas from an acquaintance of an acquaintance. Originally we were told there were 3 hens and a rooster. Three of them look alike so I think we had them for two days before I realized there were actually 5 chickens. Because we live in a regular ole neighborhood I remain blissfully unaware of the legality, however we knew the rooster couldn't stay. The next day we took him up to a local feed store to give him to the owner. When the owners 14 year old daughter walked over to my truck she said "oh, what a pretty hen!" Her name is now Kyle after our friends wife. The smallest one in the group is black with a red chest, she rules the roost so we named her Sharon after my husbands secretary. The other three who look alike are Blanche, Rose and Sophia after the golden girls.

We had them for about 4 months before they started laying. We thought they were full grown, but they have doubled in size since we got them. For the most part we get 3-5 eggs a day. 1 pink, 1 blue, 2 brown and 1 with brown with pink spots that turn dark brown when washed. As soon as I walk outside all of them are immediately underfoot. I built their coop from old scrap wood donated to me from my Aunts farm, then painted our shed to match. We feed them Countryside Organics uncrushed layer feed from Alachua Feed and Seed in Gainesville (it’s about a 5 hour round trip to buy feed, but we LOVE it!). Thanks for reading… we’re kinda new at this so any tips are much appreciated!
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