well im feeling a little bit better


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
i just got back from surgery. i had to get two rods takin out. last November i broke my arm by jumping off a slide at the park playing tag, it was a really bad break and i had to get two rods put into my bones to keep them together so they healed right. so today i got them takin out.

it hurts like the dickens but its not as bad when i first broke it.

you know what i realized?? doctors are wonderful

big thanks to all the doctors out there.
thanks guys.

sorry Admins i posted in the wrong spot
silly me lol

but yea it was such a bad break that i was in the hospital for almost a week and out of school for 3 to 4 weeks
yea flying like the chickens, i like that lol yea i took the ace wrap off and the stiches are disgusting. its icky but all good barley any pain.

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