Welsummer... Roo; right?


Free Ranging
14 Years
Mar 14, 2010
Corrales, NM
This chick hatched out with all the markings of a femme Welsummer (heavy eyeliner, sharp chipmunking), but now at 4.5 weeks looks not like the other Wellie chicks. A bit darker chest and larger comb.
Roo; right?
That exact same thing happened to me with a Welsummer chick! It had picture perfect markings for a female chick, but right around 4-5 weeks, it started getting really large, pink comb and wattles. Another week went by and black feathers started coming in on the breast. I thought I'd wait to see whether it crowed or laid an egg just to be sure, but right around 6 weeks the little bugger started this screeching noise and I knew he was trying to crow - then I was sure.

The females comb and wattles will stay pretty pale almost until they start laying, and their breast feathers will be a *very* uniform salmon color.

Your chick looks exactly like mine did that ended up being a cockerel. Fortunately, I was able to return mine to the feed store to re-home it. I exchanged it for a known female. I would love to have kept it, as the Welsummer roosters are very good looking, but my circumstances currently wouldn't have allowed it.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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