WH duck not acting right, please help!


May 30, 2016
Finger Lakes, NY
I have a 16 week old Welsh Harlequin hen that suddenly started acting odd today. I came home from work to find her in the corner of the pen, laying down by herself. When I entered she got up and came over, but much slower and kept away from the others. I checked her over and can't see anything externally wrong, but she is heaving slightly. It's hard to tell, but if I watch her close enough, she keeps opening her mouth and straining lightly, like she's trying to poop. My father said that she had kept away from the others throughout the day today. I noticed her drinking a little, but she seems lethargic. I fear she may have a blockage or something, but I'm not sure what to do.

I actually work at a vet's office, but I'm not entirely sure if they'd actually be willing to see her. I almost feel silly asking. And I know I need to do something in the meantime. I've read of giving warm baths. Would that help? I'm also having a hard time figuring out if I can give her anything orally, like oil to help her pass it, if there is anything. :/

Oh, and I did just switch them over to an All Flock pelleted food a couple days ago. I was worried about this too, because they've always been on crumbles. I'm hoping that didn't cause an issue, but all of the others seem completely normal. They have been eating very fast lately though, like I'm starving them or something. They're all overweight though, so I've been trying to cut back.
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So I have her soaking in a warm bath right now. She's pooped a few times now, all seemed relatively normal, but there was a bit of white to it. Still seems to be breathing heavy and gasping on and off though.
My first guess is impacted crop... is her crop area hard?
@Amiga?@Miss Lydia?
Not that I can tell, but I'm not as familiar with feeling around for stuff. Unfortunantly still pretty new to ducks. Doesn't feel hard though. I was trying to massage down there to feel around. Nothing seems off.

Ha, I'm so slow. Yeah, she is drinking some.
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I would suggest wetting the feed so it's preswelled up
Are they outside or still inside? Is it possible she ate something?
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I would suggest wetting the feed so it's preswelled up
Are they outside or still inside? Is it possible she ate something?
I've already put them in for the night. They don't have access to anything that I know of. I don't free range, so unless something odd got into the pen I don't think she could have.

I went ahead and let her sit in the tub for a while. She pooped about 4 times, all fairly normal except for the last time being pretty runny, but she was freaking out a bit because I had drained the water and was trying to pick her up lol. She doesn't seem to be straining so much and she did start quacking a tiny bit(wasn't making a sound earlier), as well as preening some. She still just seems to be gasping a bit. I can't always hear it, but I see her opening her mouth a pinch on and off.

I put some probiotics in their water because I figure it can't hurt, but I wish I had some electrolytes. I'll need to start keeping them on hand. Thinking about getting some antibiotics for her tomorrow. Not so sure if this is respiratory, intestinal, or something totally different.
Gasping can be a sign of asper (or other respiratory issues). Honestly, I would ask at your work if anyone has experience with birds and see if they'll take a look at her. Do you hear any crackling if you listen to her breathing right up to your ear? Do you have a stethoscope so you can listen to her lungs?

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