What’s wrong with this egg?


Jul 10, 2020
Not sure if anyone knows what’s wrong with this egg! Just started happening like a week now! It’s like a whole that looks like it’s been pecked but it hasn’t because it’s always in the exact same place on her egg. Has anyone seen anything like this? And can anything be done? Because I’ve just been throwing her egg away


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It looks like a malformed egg. That's not pecking damage; it appears the egg didn't complete closing the shell. What are you feeding them? Do you give them oyster shell? You can pop a tablet of calcium (calcium citrate, I think? someone correct me!) into her mouth a couple of times a day to see if it helps.
(Disclaimer: I am not an expert on egg issues, nor have I seen this problem in my flock. I just read a lot and love to share what I've learned.)
It looks like a malformed egg. That's not pecking damage; it appears the egg didn't complete closing the shell. What are you feeding them? Do you give them oyster shell? You can pop a tablet of calcium (calcium citrate, I think? someone correct me!) into her mouth a couple of times a day to see if it helps.
(Disclaimer: I am not an expert on egg issues, nor have I seen this problem in my flock. I just read a lot and love to share what I've learned.)
I feed all flock and oyster shell on the side
I was throwing them away didn’t know if bacteria or something would get in the open shell like that
I agree - as long as the membrane is intact, it's good to eat. But it would be difficult to wash an egg like this properly. If in doubt, use them for hard-boiled eggs. Nope, scratch that idea. They'll blow-out in the boiling water. I would think any cooking process you use would kill the bacteria, so they'd be fine!

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