What a let down!

There are probably are some people here in the Northwest that have good Australorps but I have herd many people complain about them.

"Are they coming from the same hatchery?" There are MANY feed stores just in the Portland area selling chicks. I really doubt they are getting the chicks from the same place. I have asked some of the feed stores where they get their chicks from but most will not say. I asked because I was curious where my chicks were coming from.
Here in Portland, Or my black australorp laid all winter and my buff orpingtons hung in there., but the ply rocks molted and did not lay for two months. I am going to cull the plymouth rocks this year and am adding more black austalorps .
I looking to get the BA also. When these BO's are gone there will be no more around here. I've had my fill of them. The RIR and Speckle Sussex are next in line for me. The RIR is a very hardy bird. But the GLW and black sexlink I have now are good layers with nice size eggs. Plus the GLW is just a sweetheart.

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