What age & gender is my black Ameruacana

I'm just assuming you are new to chicken keeping so please forgive me if I am mistaken. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but if your bird turns out to not fit the Ameraucana SOP in even a small way, it's considered to be an Easter Egger and not an Ameraucana. If they are charging more for their Ameraucanas and they are not SOP then you are being gipped. It's in your own best interest to contact them and ask them if the birds are bred to SOP standards or not. Easter Eggers are a lot more common of a bird and worth a lot less than a purebred SOP Ameraucana.
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Ya I would say no younger then 14 weeks by photo only

They look like a nice small scale hatchery. My only concern is I still don't see any confirmation anywhere on whether the Ameraucanas he sells are SOP. If they aren't SOP they are Easter Eggers plain and simple and should be sold as such with a lower price. But if most of the people who are experienced chicken owners on here that give business to Chickens Galore aren't complaining then I am guessing all his Ameraucanas are SOP? I would just love some confirmation on this for peace of mind. Even though I don't live near there and will never be able to give him my business, I have a pet peeve about the misleading sales practices concerning Ameraucanas. I was one of the unfortunate ones who bought hatchery "Ameraucanas" and even though I didn't pay a lot for them and love my Easter Eggers, I hate how I was mislead. I am just hoping to spare others the same experience as I had.
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