What age to butcher turkeys

are they BB's or heritage, if BB's go ahead, if heritage pluck a few feathers on the breast then pinch the skin if its almost paper thin wait, if thicker, non transparent and a layer of fat go ahead
you do know that if you free range them they take a bit longer, with the reds 7 months is a good size tom, i've raised them, the narragansets are a bit bigger but 7 months should work good too. I'm getting sweetgrass this spring, they are supose to get up to 30 lb toms will see, i'm to get one of the first shipment out of Porters
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I probably won't free range these, I plan to buy a 10X10X6 ft dog kennel to keep them in.

I don't want a big tom something in the 10-12 lb range.
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then get the reds, the toms are about that size, hens a bit smaller have you ever had turks before? if not have/get some chick (up to 10 days) about the same time they help teach the turks to eat and drink, works great.

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