What are Loose Minerals???

Feedstores here don't sell loose minerals. They just have a block for everything. I haven't really had any problems using the blocks but I know some people much prefer the loose since the animals can eat it easier and therefore will eat more. I just judge by animals. With no block they go find a spot of dirt high in minerals and start eating it. With a block they don't. Not even on the spots they already dug. They seem to be getting what they need and the blocks go down. If you want loose minerals around here you have to first find a brand that makes the one you want, then find a store that carries that brand, and then beg and plead for the next 20mins until you finally get the manager and they agree to order it.
Good loose mineral may very well look a lot like sand in color, too.
Small livestock like sheep need loose minerals because they cannot get the minerals they need from a hard block. A horse or cow can, but not a sheep.

Here is the important part: Sheep cannot tolerate the amount of copper that a goat must have to survive. Therefore, if you get something that is marked for "Sheep and Goats", it is not going to be great for eaither one. Probably too low in copper for goats, or rarely, too high in copper for sheep.

Therefore, you need to buy loose minerals specifically made for sheep alone. Seek and ye shall find.

If you order online, it will be expensive to ship due to weight. Some places will just ship the mineral component and you will have to add the salt portion. The idea being that they will save you money that way.

Minerals are very important in your management program so give it your all in trying to give your livestock what they need.

btw my chickens eat goat minerals now and then and they don't seem to suffer from it. They just take a peck of it and move along, they are just curious.
Good loose mineral may very well look a lot like sand in color, too.

Most people probably can't find that type. I know I sure couldn't.
Wow this thread is making me feel very blessed with one of the feed stores I use. The main one I use if a chain tyupe Oklahoma brandI like most of their feeds. However I am changing some of my feeding regimine and so the Mom and Pop type place that costs a little more butfor the last 3 weeks I have called and asked for small amounts of special order items and the guy is AWESOME about getting them in for me I swear he can get any type of feed, mineral, supplement I want and is willing to!!!! The special order guy knows me by the sound of my voice now sad huh?

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