What are we?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
Could anyone tell me what kind of ducks we have, I know the brown ones are most likey khaki brown ducks but we are not sure of the other two.. Thank you we are new to this.
Thank You I guess only time will tell. :) that is what I thought Aflac was. Thanks again
The black and yellow looks to be a Magpie
Markings seems more like a Magpie than an Ancona.
Agreed, it looks like 1 large pekin (they seem to grow the fastest!), 2 khaki campbells (could be chocolate runners as they do look very similar when little. But you can tell by their stance as runners will stand upright) and 1 magpie (anconas typically have more speckles, not distinct large areas of color. Magpies are white with a colored back and a colored head)

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