What are you adding to your flock this year?

Despite one broody hen trying to add more, my flock is done multiplying for the year (fingers crossed). I have instead been attempting to reduce and selectively pick who I will keep and who will go. Not the easiest task, I have difficulty deciding which of my gorgeous roosters I will keep, and I can never seem to let go of my original sweet red Easter Egger.
I got silkies once again! (two of them I'm pretty sure are half Ameraucana at this point)
I've had them for almost three weeks now, and they are just darling!
and I can never seem to let go of my original sweet red Easter Egger.
Why should you. I have a chicken thats 9 years old and still healthy and good company. She laid a reasonable amount of eggs in spring and early sumner. But even if she stops she can stay just because she a sweet hen (grandma).

Next spring I want to buy hatching eggs if I have a broody. Bantam speckled Sussex.
I am doubling my flock size.
Currently in the brooder...
6 mystery chicks from hoovers straight run rare breed (none on their list are actually rare at all). Of those 2 have feathered legs and are feathering in buff colored, 2 are chipmunk striped, one is clean legged and feathering in buff, and one has puffy cheeks with green legs and dark chipmunk pattern.
I am hoping at least half are females.

An additional 6 consisting of 4 starlight green layers and 2 saphire blues. These are sexed as pullets.

Updating since these have grown so much!

The 6 straight run group.
We lost a buff colored one as a tiny chick. It had been dumpy since bringing it home.
All 5 remaining are females!
There are 2 buff brahma, and 3 olive eggers.
One of the sexed Sapphire Gems ended up being a male. It's ok he can stay.
I added a dark brahma since we lost the one.
The Starlight green layers are all laying pretty light green eggs.

Most recently I was at TSC for feed and bought the 6 remaining Blue Copper Marans that were marked down to $2 each. (They had terrible poopy butts)
The poopiest is now named Fanny.
They are about 3 weeks old now and doing excellent. I only had to clean them up just once.
Why should you. I have a chicken thats 9 years old and still healthy and good company. She laid a reasonable amount of eggs in spring and early sumner. But even if she stops she can stay just because she a sweet hen (grandma).

Next spring I want to buy hatching eggs if I have a broody. Bantam speckled Sussex.
He's been a great Rooster, and I'm not getting rid of him. But I don't want the possibility of him breeding next year. I don't have the space to do split flocks, which means he's a risk of potentially breeding with daughters and granddaughters. Not to mention I'm liking how big my Light Brahma Roo is getting. Easily twice the size as my Big Red the Easter Egger, and he's not even at the crowing age yet.
Updating since these have grown so much!

The 6 straight run group.
We lost a buff colored one as a tiny chick. It had been dumpy since bringing it home.
All 5 remaining are females!
There are 2 buff brahma, and 3 olive eggers.
One of the sexed Sapphire Gems ended up being a male. It's ok he can stay.
I added a dark brahma since we lost the one.
The Starlight green layers are all laying pretty light green eggs.

Most recently I was at TSC for feed and bought the 6 remaining Blue Copper Marans that were marked down to $2 each. (They had terrible poopy butts)
The poopiest is now named Fanny.
They are about 3 weeks old now and doing excellent. I only had to clean them up just once.
Good to hear of those who take in the TSC stragglers. On my last trip, I noticed the pekin ducks were marked at $1.00 each. I miss my ducks but I'm staying firm on keeping the mud makers out of the coop for a while. I did try to convince my mother to raise them, but no go.

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