What are you canning now?

10 pints of applesauce. Apples from the tree in the yard so no idea what kind they are. Might get another batch or two out of the tree. Need at least three more batches that size. Just need to find an orchard in the area.

Going to try some sassafras jelly tomorrow. Will be imitation though.
Using the liquid concentrate. Unfortunately we have no sassafras trees on our property. Going to have to remedy that.
My sister-in-law and myself put up 10 dozen corn for the freezer and planning 10 more today. Already put up first batch of tomato sauce and I have beans coming out my ears. Love harvest time!
I'm still up canning too. Off to shower and then check the cans that just came out of the water bath.

Good reason to not buy Walmart brand for canning-- I'm glad yo shared that info!!! How long will it take to re-process??

I havent had any luck either with the walmart brand ones! But Our Dollar store sells jars and Lids I paid 1.25 for 12 lids and they sealed prefectly. I was worried about them but it worked. Could try those out as I know Ball can be alot more then the other brands.
Last night I jarred (jarred instead of canned since there were never cans involved) some antipasto relish beginning with 2 five gallon buckets of tomatoes :) woot woot!
Okay can I ask what is probably a dumb question. Making another batch, this time of orange Jam. My recipe doesnt say anything about submerging the bottles or anything like that.

Do I have to do that?

I am washing the bottles, putting in a hot oven for 20 minutes while boiling the lids. Filling while still hot, and sealing.

Do I need to then boil them too?
Usually you submerge in enough water to cover the jars by about an inch and boil them for about 10 minutes. This is to make sure that the temperature gets high enough to kill any bacteria. The Ball website has ALOT of information if you are in doubt. I did some research on the oven canning method but keep running into "don't do it!" Yet, I also know there are people who do it that way.

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