What are you canning now?

I think if you just pressure can the fruit and then add the stevia when you open the jar of fruit it would be fine. The problem I have had with stevia is that it can get really bitter as it breaks down.

With fruit like melons and grapes, I freeze them in cubes in portion sized bags, and then put those bags in a bigger freezer bag and take out what I need when I need it, Without thawing all of it.
The problem I always had with freezing was that I froze in too big of amounts. It needs to be easier and accessible or it just becomes a hidden block of chicken food in the bottom of the chest freezer.

...what I like about BYC is that I can say things like that last sentence, and it doesn't sound as weird as it should.
Sooo... I have been looking at this thread for quite some time and wanting to try my hand at canning. But unfortunately the Internet has scared me into not wanting to try. Botulism sounds so scary. I finally found something easy to start. Sauerkraut and pickled daikon. My mom has been making pickled daikon for years, so I figured why not. Just started the fermentation of the sauerkraut and just finished with the daikon. We will see in a couple of days as to how they turn out.
All of you canners out there, thanks you for giving me the nerves to try something new!
Sooo... I have been looking at this thread for quite some time and wanting to try my hand at canning. But unfortunately the Internet has scared me into not wanting to try. Botulism sounds so scary. I finally found something easy to start. Sauerkraut and pickled daikon. My mom has been making pickled daikon for years, so I figured why not. Just started the fermentation of the sauerkraut and just finished with the daikon. We will see in a couple of days as to how they turn out.
All of you canners out there, thanks you for giving me the nerves to try something new!

Today I did 22 pints of green beans [now I have 63 pints done], 7 pints of sweet chip pickles and 6 quarts of dill pickles. And made a cherry crisp for dessert


I'm drying apples at the moment. We have apples...bunches of apples. Littles are hollering for "homemade applesauce" and I'm wanting to put up pie filling for pies, dumplings, crisp, etc. And we may have enough for a bit of apple butter or just cinnamon apple rings.
I'm drying apples at the moment. We have apples...bunches of apples. Littles are hollering for "homemade applesauce" and I'm wanting to put up pie filling for pies, dumplings, crisp, etc. And we may have enough for a bit of apple butter or just cinnamon apple rings.
Sometimes I like to make cinnamon applesauce and dehydrate it into fruit leather.
I'm getting my canning on again this year---finally! I've done a couple jars of bread and butter zucchini chips, using Splenda instead of sugar. I wasn't sure how that would go, but honey said "they taste just like Mom's"...high praise indeed from him
. I bought a lug of peaches to make peach salsa, but somehow in the time since I bought them and tonight, about half of them have mysteriously vanished
. So, I'll make the salsa, but maybe not actually can it, just stick it in the fridge and eat it fresh. Looking forward to getting back into the canning, the shelves were looking pretty bare!
Sooo... I have been looking at this thread for quite some time and wanting to try my hand at canning. But unfortunately the Internet has scared me into not wanting to try. Botulism sounds so scary. I finally found something easy to start. Sauerkraut and pickled daikon. My mom has been making pickled daikon for years, so I figured why not. Just started the fermentation of the sauerkraut and just finished with the daikon. We will see in a couple of days as to how they turn out.
All of you canners out there, thanks you for giving me the nerves to try something new!

I understand your fear. I have been water bath canning for years. I bought a pressure canner over winter and I have things to can (green beans), but I haven't made the jump yet. I just need to get it done and move on.

Hope to water bath some salsa today or tomorrow.
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What helped me get over the 'ahhhhhhh'a was watching you-tube videos. There are some that cover it all from checking the gaskets and going over all of the safety rules, to waiting for the pressure gauge to fall to zero. (It is still hot then, just a warning if you open it, it won't blow steam on you, but it is still HOT water)

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