What are you canning now?

Woohoo...food/road trip! LOL

I finally gave up trying to plant enough tomatoes to can my own...they seem to be hit or miss here and over the last couple of years, it's mostly miss :( I only put in three this year...a grape, an early girl type and one that makes some that are bigger...not beefstake but can't remember the name. The early girl is giving me about 1 every 2 or 3 days...enough for fresh eating. The grape has gone nuts...feeding the whole family and the chickens, and I've yet to get one totally ripe off the third. When I can stuff like that where I want to put up lots, I want to do big batches so I don't have to do it day after day after day... So, we now go to the farmers markets and get them by the case. We can do 2 cases in a day pretty easily, tho it's a bit of a long day, LOL Did one up already...9 quarts of spaghetti sauce. Now I need to do about that much again and a 3rd batch of just plain tomatoes.

We put up scads of pickles last year and still have lots left, so don't need to this year. I also buy the cukes for the same reason...just can't grow enough to get them all in at the same time.

I've been checking Craig's List frequently and have found lots of free stuff for the effort of going and picking...apples, plums and such. Our plum tree is ready to pick, but it's still small and will only give me enough for about 1 batch of jam. A co-worker sent home a huge grocery bag of apples from her tree just the other day. Those are going for applesauce and that caramel apple jam recipe posted earlier...can't wait to try that!
It's a good apple year in my neck of the woods, so we'll be busy pressing cider this fall.
Our neighbor has an orchard, gets more apples from friends, and we have some cider trees that are starting to bear. We go next door when everything is ready and spend a few days helping him do the pressing. It's usually cold and rainy, but we get to take home 1/2 the juice. He cans his up, maybe a hundred or more quarts, because his grandkids love to drink it all winter.
Our half goes right into carboys with yeast and is turned into hard cider

And here I am on the internet instead of picking the cabbage/zukes/green beans I need for my minestrone....
But it's inspirational to read what everyone else is up to.
Wow, it would be awesome to have that kind of access! I really like apple juice too but rarely get enough apples to make any after the pie filling, apple sauce and butter are done :)
Hi there! So glad I stumbled upon your forum! No chickens here, but I'm loving your canning thread - I'm very impressed with all that you all can! I hadn't canned in a few years since I got my glasstop stove but was able to get some wild beach plums for the first time in two years, so I decided to give jelly a try and it didn't break my stove, so the canning bug has bit me again! And my tomatoes are really coming in so I can't wait to use them. Have some strawberries and blueberries in the freezer that are also calling my name.

So far I've canned 25 1/2 pts. of beachplum jelly, 12 pts. bread & butter pickles, 12 4oz. tomato jam, 12 1/2 pts. of fig jam, 3 1/2 pts. of cantaloupe cinnamon jam, and small batches of gooseberry and mixed berry.

I have some beachplum juice that has been in my freezer for 2 years and I was wondering if it's still good to use to make jelly? I tried to google it, but all I could find was freezer life of juicer juices, not boiled juice? Thanks!
Would anyone be willing to share their spaghetti sauce recipe with me? I have never done sauce before, but want to try it this year. Want to use a tested recipe that tastes good.
Hi again,

Just got back from picking apples and or buying. Some places aren't picking yet. The picked were Jonamacs and were $1.35 a pound. The already picked were Macs and they were .75 cents a pound. We have 30 pounds now. I plan to mix these and make sauce and jelly. I'll have DW buy some Granny Smiths to put in there too. I do plan to get some of the other varieties when they are available. There are some I just can't get but wish I could.

Mickey - you need a load of horse manure to mix in. Plus some peat moss.

Seven - you make me jealous. I have a book on apples and learned a lot and see many varieties that aren't grown commercially anymore. Like everything else they defer to the easier to grow varieties. I don't know why I didn't plant some trees this year. I guess I figure I'll be dead when they produce. I won't be of course.

Moose - Chickens or not you're welcome to join us, as far as I'm concerned. I suspect you'll get a few chickens sooner or later. Heaven knows with the right set up that aren't anymore work than a dog or cat IMO.

Weg - I make sauce the way my mother did. 2 cans of paste, 2 cans of puree, and 2 cans of whole tomatoes.
To this you add one can of water from rinsing out the paste cans. All of this is added to Sweet sausage fried, and or Ground beef the amount can be what you like a pound or so. Fried with the sausage/ ground beef is a large diced onion, garlic , and a diced green pepper. You also add some Garlic and onion powder, salt and pepper and a few bay leaves. Let it cook for a while and that's it.

If you like your sauce sweet add a little sugar or just enough to cut the tartness. I've read that baking soda will also help if you get heart burn.

Everyone has their system or recipe. I think most everyone modifies any recipe they use to make it to there liking.

take care gotta do up some tomatoes and the water is on.

Rancher, got lots of time, Hicks.
Welcome Moose! You hang around here long enough and you are sure to get chickens. They are more addicting than canning!

If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love the cantaloupe cinnamon jam recipe. Sounds delicious.
TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! This sounds awesome. How much does this yield?
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We had a very demanding houseguest for three days and I was lucky to get a shower!!! What a pain. He invited himself and then stayed 3 days. OH Well. The yield is 7 to 8 pints. I put some up in fancy 1/2 pint jars to give to friends for gifts.Hope you tried it and like it as much as we do.

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